November Assembly - Sea Change

Our November Assembly features guest speaker Kim Cobb, Director of the Global Change Program.
Dr. Cobb is a strong advocate for women in science and champions diversity and inclusion in all that she does. She is also devoted to the communication of climate change to the public through media appearances, public speaking, and social media channels, and enjoys frequent exchanges with policymakers about climate impacts and solutions.
We'll be singing along with videos by the band to Africa by Toto, Fireflies by Owl City, and Thank You For Being a Friend by Andrew Gold.
Amy Baldwin is hosting. We'll also have our usual Creative Space, Doing Your Best, and Life Happens segments. Watch our newsletters for more details!
Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 10:30am PDT! Online!
There will be mingling from 10:30-11
Assembly from 11-12
And more mingling afterwards!
SASV is an inclusive secular community, meaning we don’t advocate for any religious or spiritual beliefs, but we do welcome and respect others, including LGBTQ, agnostics, atheists, humanists, and believers.
We usually have 30-40+ attendees. During the celebration, all but the presenters are muted, but you can sing along, text chat, and share your video so that you and your live image are part of the experience.
Sunday Assembly Silicon Valley is all volunteer, free and open to the public. Donations are gratefully accepted. Please celebrate life with us!