January Assembly - Stepping Up

Have you been told you’re too quiet or meek? Or that you take up too much space, or that you’re a bully?
Come to our January Assembly and learn how to “Stand in your Power: How to be Assertive (Without Being Aggressive).” Learn to show up as your full self and be seen, own your presence with confidence and ease, and match your intention with your impact.
Our guest speaker, Lauri Smith, is an intuitive public speaking and leadership coach, CEO of Voice Matters, and author of "Your Voice Matters: A Guide to Speaking Soulfully When It Counts." https://tinyurl.com/LauriSmith-YourVoiceMatters
Please click here to register on our Meetup group or use our Facebook group! The meeting will happen live on Zoom video conference, and we will also be live streaming on our Facebook page. .
Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 10:30am PST! Online!
Our celebration includes singalongs, a reading, how a member is doing their best, and a moment of reflection. We usually have 40+ attendees. For more details, sign up for our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/M6fmP
Breakout-room social mingling begins at 10:30 AM and continues after the program. The hour-long program begins at 11:00 AM. Attendees will be muted, but you can sing along, text chat, and share your live video so that you are part of the experience!
Assembly is free, but PayPal donations at https://tinyurl.com/DonateToSASV are gratefully accepted. Join our celebration!
SASV is secular without any religious beliefs. We respect science and welcome all people, including those identifying as agnostic, atheist, humanist, religious, spiritual, and LGBTQ.