November Assembly - Renewal

It's our 7th birthday and the perfect excuse for baking yourself a cake to celebrate!
Our guest speakers, Maia and Greg Coladonato, want to fix something that's broken: our tendency to throw things away when they break, leading to overflowing landfills and lost treasures. At Repair Cafe Mountain View, passionate fixers connect with forlorn owners of broken valuables to change the world one part at a time.
We'll be singing:
Thank You for Being a Friend - Andrew Gold
Kind & Generous - Natalie Merchant
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
SASV is an inclusive secular community, meaning we don’t advocate for any religious or spiritual beliefs, but we do welcome and respect others, including agnostics, atheists, humanists, believers, and LGBTQ people. Please celebrate life with us!
Our celebration also includes a reading, how a member is doing their best, and a moment of reflection.
What is a highlight or lowlight in your life this past month? Let us know at so we can share during our Life Happens section!
We usually have 30+ attendees. Before and after the celebration, we'll have optional breakout-room social mingling. During the celebration, all but the presenters are muted, but you can sing along, text chat, and share your video so that you and your live image are part of the experience!
Sunday Assembly is free. Donations are gratefully accepted.
See you there!
Please register on our Meetup here, or use this Facebook link.
The meeting will happen live on Zoom video conference, and we will also be live streaming on our Facebook page.