Past Events

January Sunday Assembly & Community Meeting

Happy New Year! This month’s gathering will be a little bit different. We will still have lots of group singing and inspiration, but we’ll also include some interactive workshops to get your input on the future of Sunday Assembly. After the assembly, we will have sandwiches for lunch. Feel free to bring along some finger food to share.

Hope to see you January 13 at 890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042

Doors open at 10:30am, and assembly kicks off at 11:00am. Everyone is welcome. We provide child care, so bring the family.

November Birthday Assembly - Your Future

What will happen in the 21st century?

We are going to explore the future with Seth Shostak, host of Big Picture Science and senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. Entertaining and thought-provoking, Seth is an SASV favorite guest.

Since we are turning 5, we will be having a full on celebration with food and drink, and of course cake! Sing and dance to live music from RB3 and our house singers and reflect on the past five years of happenings in our community.

The fun kicks off at 11am. Lunch is on us and of course there will be cake.

October Assembly - Remember

Join us October 14 when our theme will be "Remember". As has become our annual custom, we'll be talking about remembering our loved ones.

We'll have a Mexican style Day of the Dead "ofrenda", feel free to bring pictures of those you'd like to remember to place on it. There will be songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other.

Storyteller, comedian, and slam poetry champion Mighty Mike McGee will read for us. Mike is the current Poet Laureate of Santa Clara County and frequently appears on NPR's Snap Judgement.

September Assembly

We are so excited for this very special assembly featuring YOU. This month we will be doing some philosophical speed dating and getting to know a little bit more about what makes each of us tick. It is crazy fun and we guarantee you will get to know your community a little bit better by talking to each other.

Poetry Slam Champion and Santa Clara County Poet Laureate Mighty Mike McGee will treat us to some poetry.

Be there at 11:00am for Sunday Assembly's special live music and secular celebration. Free childcare is provided.

After the assembly, join us for fresh coffee and donuts.

MAKE IT HAPPEN - August Assembly

Getting started can seem overwhelming, but you can make it happen. We are excited to welcome Justin Imamura. Justin (@TheTrashPunx) started The Trash Punx in 2017 as a response to the overwhelming amount of litter and trash accumulating in San Jose. The Trash Punx have organized over 20 events in San Jose since they begun in 2017 and have logged in over 1200 volunteer hours, collected 600+ bags of trash, eliminated gang related graffiti and engaged over 600 people to volunteer.

SCIENCE BLIND - June 10 Assembly

It is hard to ignore the changes in our world, despite the best attempts of our leaders to sweep it under the rug. Join us for Discussing Tough Topics with Tact. Brad Hoge from the National Center for Science Education will explore ways to talk to family and friends about climate change and evolution.

To do your heart good, we'll have pop songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other–to live better, help often, and wonder more.

Sunday, June 10 at 11am

(Drop in early for coffee and donuts.)

890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042

EXPLORE - July 8 Assembly

Summer is here and it is time to get inspired with the spirit of exploration and adventure. Bex and Gil are full-time adventure bloggers who are kick-scooting the entire length of the west coast–from Canada to Mexico! They are no strangers to adventure, having sailed the North Sea and hiked the length of Israel, and they hope that this "Kicking the States" expedition will raise $10,000 to build a school in Tanzania. Follow their journey to Mountain View here.

EXPLORE - July 8 Assembly

Summer is here and it is time to get inspired with the spirit of exploration and adventure. Bex and Gil are full-time adventure bloggers who are kick-scooting the entire length of the west coast–from Canada to Mexico! They are no strangers to adventure, having sailed the North Sea and hiked the length of Israel, and they hope that this "Kicking the States" expedition will raise $10,000 to build a school in Tanzania. Follow their journey to Mountain View here.

May Assembly - Dignity

On Sunday May 13, we will be exploring dignity. Lisa J Blanchard, founder of The Grateful Garment Project, will share ways we can return dignity to victims of sexual violence. It is her vision that no victim of sexual assault ever experience further suffering due to lack of resources. Please bring a sports bra (any size) or a pair of flip-flops to donate to the Grateful Garment Project. Read more about their needs here.


April Assembly - Improv Your Life

On Sunday April 8, James Kopp from the Pear Theatre will be center stage to show you how the fundamentals of improv can improve your life. Be more positive and make some change for the better! Guaranteed laughs along the way.

To do your heart good, we'll have pop songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other–to live better, help often, and wonder more.

Sunday, April 8 at 11am (Drop in early for coffee and donuts.)

890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042

